The exact translation: A bad one already known, is worth more than a good one yet to know. The meaning: You're better off staying with the one you already know and are used to, than getting involved with one who seems to be better, yet you really don't know!
And yes, again, my relationships with men made me think of this one as well. As bad as my relationships have least they have helped to wake up my creative side. And I hear your disagreements already...LOUD and CLEAR!!! Whoa... hold on, let me explain. You are saying "What???" If I have a bad relationship/person in my life of course he's out the door to let a better one in. And I'm not going to pass up a good opportunity/relationship just to stick to someone not good for me,what are you crazy??? So here goes my point of view:
First of all,yes...we shouldn't hold on to a bad relationship and /or person in our life,and of course we need to be on the look out for something better for us! I agree 100%! But.... here's what made me think of this saying:
My actual relationship is not the greatest, and I know it's not going anywhere. But I've known this person for years...I know what to expect and not expect. Actually, expectations is part of the problem, so I've decided to hang those up in the closet...for now,or at least, with this person!
It is far and few between that we get to enjoy each others company and do something, let's say, special. But when we do, it is very enjoyable,relaxing and it makes me look at this person and remember why we became friends in the first place. This weekend we had planned one of those special get together's, which was simply getting up early to go out into nature and do some fishing. We take a picnic, enjoy nature, talk, get reacquainted. It makes me feel re energized, unstressed. Well, I canceled this date because someone I believed to be a better option wanted to do something this weekend. This man seemed to have everything I'm looking for and free from the obstacles that get in the way of my actual relationship. He has a higher level of education for one, closer to my age,etc... We had planned to hook up a couple times before,but it never materialized. (Red flag # 1 by the way). Finally this weekend, we made solid his request. I had a very busy weekend, so I ended up putting all my to do's on hold. I cancelled my fishing trip with my actual "half", and put all my energy into this new date with this new person. To make a long story short...he stood me up! And it wasn't just standing me up. I wasted money, drove out far from where I live, my car almost broke down, it was very aggravating. And I missed out on my fishing date which only comes around once every 4 to 6 months. And which I truly enjoy to relax and de-stress.
Needless to say, this new person is not getting another chance. But yes, I am keeping the door open to something better,but not until I know, am sure, that it IS better,then, I let him in the door. Those are the key words: Por conocer...yet to know! So don't give up what you have just yet,unless of course it is really bad, to the point of abuse or damage to your self, then please do let go whether there is another prospect or not. If you are not sure of the goodness of something/someone, don't risk losing all you have invested, just to dive in to something without really knowing it. Be sure it's good first,know it well first,make them prove themselves, be sure. And really, I think this applies more to those who seek the greener grass on the other side, already having green enough grass in their own backyard. People who end a marriage and break up a family just because they met someone else whom they think they will enjoy eternal bliss with. No you wont! Eternal bliss does not come from another person, it comes from within yourself. And when you find it within yourself, then you can make that marriage work out and not look elsewhere. This I can relate to also. I married very young, had children, and the routine bored me. My husband and I got along great, I just let everyday life get the best of me, and I thought I fell out of love. So I had an affair. My husband left me, and eventually,so did my lover.I ended up with nobody,well deserved! My children grew up without a father and I have remained single so to speak until this day. Why? I thought that with my lover I would find happiness, fall in love again, have eternal bliss. Didn't happen. I hurt my husband so much he couldn't deal being around me and the kids. And I know we had what it takes to have worked it out...but I was looking for something better.
The moral of this story: Let's count our blessings. Let's really look at what we have, enjoy it,work on it,nourish it and be thankful for it, before we go looking for something we think will be better, but may end up being worse!